The Hero’s Journey Step III: Refusal of the Call

Mycreation Space
3 min readFeb 7, 2021

No One Here Gets Out Alive

Kase & Me, mid “breakdown” in Chicago, November 2017

I had made up my mind…it was time to finally take back my life. So I made the somewhat difficult decision to leave my place of work of nearly decade and step outside my comfort zone, accepting the job offer I’d received in the days just after Dad’s death. I figured there was nothing left to lose and everything to gain. I threw caution to the wind and dove right in to a very challenging new career as a Business Analyst for a huge corporation headquartered in Lexington.

Somehow, I made it three months before The Universe decided it was time for another good hard kick in the ass by way of a trip to the ER for malnourishment and sleep deprivation. I’d lost 30 pounds in three months, and was totally unaware of it. The only sleep I seemed to be getting were a few hours of lucid dreaming, which if you’ve ever experienced this, is nothing even close to restful sleep; it’s actually quite maddening.

I’d been trying in vain for months to numb myself from the pain and guilt I felt over the death of my Dad and my perceived role in his demise. It finally caught up with me. By Halloween 2017, I’d become a shell of my former self. I walked away from a near six figure income, amazing benefits and the most financial security I’d ever experienced to save my Self from myself because I…

